Work Stress

Feeling stressful beyond control

Are you feeling uncertainty or lack of control? Few people enjoy not knowing or not being able to control what might happen.

Often questioning the behavior of yourself or others…

Do you feel that there is nothing you can do about being stressed?

Feeling overwhelmed or stressed out in the workplace…

From mild to intense, workplace anxiety is becoming an epidemic. Symptoms range from fearful thoughts to obsessive worrying. Physical symptoms can range from appearing nervous to avoiding a situation altogether.

It is perfectly normal to feel anxious or awkward at times, but it becomes problematic when the anxiety controls your actions. Public speaking, for example, can be nerve-wracking for some; and for others, it’s debilitating. Workplace challenges can become overwhelming.

Taking control of stress

You’ve got bills to pay, there are never enough hours in the day to get things done, and your work and family are demanding a lot from you. The reality is that you have more control than you might think.

Stress management can help you take charge of your thoughts, emotions, and the way you deal with the day-to-day problems.

Don’t despair – no matter how stressful things seem, there are ways to relieve the pressure and remain in control.

You’ve come to the right place!

Feeling anxious

Many people experience fear and anxiety from time to time. It’s a normal reaction to stressful situations. Anxiety can sometimes be a good thing, because it can help motivate an individual to complete a task or even help with recognizing a potentially dangerous situation.

However, when anxiety gets in the way of a happy, productive life, it is time to do something about it.

Other options for relief from anxiety

Medication does not have to be the only option for relieving anxiety.

For starters, take a deep breath. You’ve taken the most important step to get started.

Breathing deeply sends a message to your brain that you are okay, and it helps your mind and body relax. It may sound like a simple exercise, but it can be the most effective start to ease an anxious situation.

Women, in particular, have it tough

Are you feeling more stressed than your male counterpart? You are not alone. It is a fact that women are more stressed than men, and many women are managing both the family and work.

Women do not feel supported enough by their employers, the majority of whom do not offer any workplace wellness programs.

Women over 35 are often overlooked by their industry and constantly on edge with the amount of rubbish they have to endure. They want to feel empowered and be recognized for their talents. Are you feeling that way?

Women gaining respect and recognition

By identifying key communication strategies and skills necessary for remaining resourced and centered in your power, you can achieve an abiding sense of peace and walk away with a road map to navigate your personal and professional life.

You are not alone and very normal if you feel discouraged about your current circumstances.

Can stress be avoided?

The simple answer is probably not. Unless you live off the grid in some remote area of the world, you are going to experience stress.

The good news is that you can learn to recognize the triggers that cause you stress. By learning what triggers you, you can reduce the amount of stress in your life.

I can help you identify those triggers and give you the tools and strategies necessary to deal with everyday stress.

Let me help you. Reach out by calling (856) 506-5159, you will be glad you did!