tarot readings

Why tarot?

Tarot can enhance coaching by serving as a tool for introspection, exploring different perspectives, stimulating creative thinking, and leading to deeper insights and self-awareness. 

By using the symbolic imagery of the cards better to understand your emotions, challenges, and strengths, the tarot provides guidance on decision-making and personal growth. 

 I’ve spent the last decade-plus coaching people both professionally and personally using various tools. Recently, I’ve added the tarot to that toolbox, and I am excited to utilize the power of the tarot to assist and guide anyone on their journey!

The tarot can help guide you on your path. It has for me!

Life coaching with tarot

Tarot is a powerful tool for making intuitive connections and getting clarity about a situation. The use of archetypal imagery and metaphor opens us up to insights where we least expect them. 

This information helps us make good decisions about what to do next.


How is tarot used in coaching?

Certainly, it depends on the client, but I have found it to shine a spotlight on what is really happening in a situation. When everything seems confusing or overwhelming, a three-card spread can shed immediate light and clarity.

A single card can offer a message of guidance and support.  Asking a question about what you need to know in a particular situation and receiving an immediate answer is motivating! 

To offer different perspectives on situations.  For example, if a client asks whether to start their own business, a card spread can shed light on whether it would be a good idea or if further exploration is needed. 

Uncover subconscious feelings or confirm intuitions. The tarot is an excellent tool to delve into your “gut” feelings. It is an excellent confirmation that what you are feeling or thinking is the right approach. 

Not used for fortune-telling

I don’t believe in fortune-telling. I do believe in intuition and a “higher self.” In my opinion, tarot helps tremendously with guiding us along our life path and particular journey. It is an excellent tool that I use often for myself and my clients, and one that will help you! 

Reach out, please. Give me a call at (856) 506-5159.