
How many psychotherapists does it take to change a lightbulb?
Just one, so long as the light bulb “wants” to change.

It’s all about you.

You may be uncomfortable hearing those words and even more uncomfortable saying them to yourself. When was the last time you made something totally and completely about you?

No matter who you are or what is your life experience, going to therapy is one of the best decisions you can make for yourself.

Even people with the most seemingly peaceful lives have issues and experiences to work out in therapy, and anyone processing trauma will find that the best help comes from a trained professional.

What’s in a name?

Sometimes psychotherapy is referred to as talking therapy, counseling, or simply therapy. Whatever name it is called, mental health counseling through psychotherapy can benefit people struggling with emotional difficulties or life challenges.

Main point of therapy

Misconceptions abound about what it means to talk to a professional psychologist. The need to talk about your emotions may seem funny to some people who consider therapy as being shameful and a sign of weakness. That stigma is often why people don’t seek help in the first place.

Contrary to such beliefs, the point of therapy is to provide a space where you can let down your guard of coping mechanisms and process the darkest and most painful parts of being a person. It can be a daunting exercise.

Finding a safe place

I offer you a safe place where we can talk through career challenges such as misperceptions from others about you.

It is a place that allows you to discuss life challenges such as breakups, grief, low self-esteem, or family struggles.

By identifying key communication strategies and skills to remain resourced and centered in your power, you will achieve an abiding sense of peace and walk away with a road map to navigate your life – personally and/or professionally.

Sessions can be held in my office location or via the Internet with a virtual meeting application – or via phone.

Let me help you achieve this power. Remember, empowerment is contagious! Let’s spread it around!

“Whether you think you can, or you think you can’t, you’re right!”

– Henry Ford

About Eileen

Being a woman

Subconsciously, I knew what I wanted to do all my life. Consciously, I took many twists and turns along the way to get here.

Learning to understand what makes people “tick” has always fascinated me, and watching people struggle with low self-esteem or feeling powerless has always made my heart ache.

As a woman in the working world, I’ve personally experienced the inequality and subjugation from a male-dominated society. I’ve made it my mission to try and understand why, but also to help women overcome the feelings of inadequacy.

I remember feeling a sense of wonder and belonging – quite literally – while watching the movie, Wonder Woman. What would it be like to have women rule the world? In my opinion, it’s time.

In order to “fit in” to a male-dominated workplace, I decided that my undergraduate degree would be in computer science. As if that wasn’t enough, I continued along that vein with a graduate degree in technology management. I guess that I was a glutton for punishment.

Realizing my true calling

Despite receiving those degrees, I was still very much interested in people and understanding behaviors that can help people interact more effectively.

After having experienced the most profound loss, pain, and loneliness, I decided later in my life to complete a Ph.D. in Psychology. This has enabled me to incorporate my lifelong experiences and education into doing what I love the most – helping people.

My clients continually tell me that I make them feel so comfortable and that it’s easy to talk to me. I appreciate the confirmation, because I love what I do.

Personal side notes

I truly believe we agree to our experiences on this earth not as a punishment, but rather as an agreed-upon learning experience.

I get so much fulfillment from being in nature and around any and all animals! Meditation is also a big part of my life, and I find that my best days are spent with my little furry soul mate.