Schedule your Free Consultation
Never been more lonely
The dark has settled in around you and doesn’t look like its leaving any time soon.
Feeling so numb after just having lost a loved one, you’re not sure if there’s a way out.
Life has taken you to the depths of despair after having lost someone so close.
Time is passing in a blur.
Some days you can’t even get out of bed after crying yourself to sleep the night before.
At night your mind races, and your heart races right along with it.
It’s so bad you can barely sleep. Other nights, you’re so tired you fall asleep immediately – but you wake up the next morning feeling exhausted and spend most of the day in bed.
You’re heart literally aches, and that’s not the only physical symptom.
Nausea, headaches, food aversion, and dizziness can all be the result of your grief. Grief actually hammers the immune system, leaving you depleted and vulnerable to infection.
It can be so intense that grief can alter the heart muscle so much that it causes “broken heart syndrome,” a form of heart disease with the same symptoms as a heart attack.
Everyone grieves differently.
Shock, anger, sadness, guilt, and anxiety are common feelings during the grieving process – and they can be overwhelming. Occasionally, there are no emotions – only numbness.
No matter the cause of death – illness, suicide, addiction – some people find it difficult to cope with their loss and believe they’ll never be happy again.
It will no doubt be a long road, and only you can work through your grief.
However, there is hope.
I’ve been there, too, with more than enough of my share of deaths of loved ones. I say now that there are more loved ones “on the other side” than there are on this side.
I help grief-stricken individuals move forward, providing them with an experienced and caring ear.
We’ll work together to implement daily habits that build a sense of resourcefulness.
Pointing your life toward the light takes courage and support.
You’ve already demonstrated your courage by showing up on this page. I can be the support you need to turn the page on this chapter. I promise you will begin to regain a sense of agency and purpose.
In your own time, you will find your way back to a rich and meaningful life.
Call (856) 506-5159 today to set up your first consultation. No judgment.